The H2-VALUE chain of the Rostock region
With the development of a regional value chain from regeneratively produced, green hydrogen, actors from politics, business and science are working together towards the goal of a sustainable, competitive hydrogen economy. The potential offered by wind and solar energy is being implemented in a variety of projects in the sense of linking sectors.
Power sources

The POWER SOURCES of the special natural habitat of the Rostock region are green. With a long coastline and a relatively sparsely populated area, the conditions for renewable energies, especially wind and sun, are optimal. Already now, the renewable power sources in the regiopol region have a total capacity of over 1 gigawatt, twice the total capacity of conventional power generation plants.

The PRODUCTION of hydrogen is to be gradually scaled up to an industrial level at three locations by 2030. Regionally generated renewable energies can flow into the planned large-scale electrolysers in a decentralised manner in diverse projects of the regional value chain as well as in supraregional cooperations, and in terms of sector coupling, the surplus heat can be used for the district heating network of the Hanseatic City of Rostock.

INFRASTRUCTURES are subject to constant change, which require continuous adaptation and further development due to energy industry developments and technical advancements. In the Rostock region, this challenge is being met with the goal of being climate-neutral by 2035. Hydrogen is becoming a key element of the region in the design of a sustainable and viable energy infrastructure.

The USAGE of hydrogen or its derivatives offers a broad field of application in the areas of mobility, industry and supply and is reflected in the region’s diverse projects. A high transregional offtake potential can also be expected due to the planned rededication of the existing pipeline.
Research and development