The H2-VALUE chain
of the Rostock region
With unique location advantages for the production of hydrogen from regionally generated renewable energy sources and diverse projects along the entire value chain, the Rostock region offers manifold opportunities for the development and expansion of a competitive hydrogen economy with a focus on sector interconnection and storage technologies for volatile energies.

Power Sources
The long coastline of the Rostock region, virtually a guarantee for wind, and the many hours of sunshine offer very favourable geographical site conditions that create optimal conditions for the generation of renewable energy. The region’s potential as a location for green power sources was also recognised in the selection of the region as the site for the National Offshore Test Field, which is to be built off the coast of Rostock-Warnemünde. Go to the projects

By 2035, green hydrogen is to be produced on a gigawatt scale at three sites in the Rostock region. Regionally generated renewable energies can flow into the planned large-scale electrolysers in a decentralised manner in diverse projects of the regional value chain as well as in supraregional cooperations, and in terms of sector coupling, the surplus heat can be used for the district heating network of the Hanseatic City of Rostock. Go to the projects

The development of a distribution infrastructure for hydrogen in the Rostock region is made clear by the national preselection of four major projects for the development of a European hydrogen network. In the future, this network has to develop into a nationwide network and also be able to take over storage functions, e.g. through hydrogen storage power plants. In addition, the filling station infrastructure in the region is to be successively expanded. Go to the projects

The use of hydrogen and/or its derivatives offers a broad field of application in the areas of mobility, industry and supply and is reflected in the diverse projects in the region. A high nationwide offtake potential can also be expected due to the planned repurposing of the existing gas pipeline. Go to the projects

Research & Development
The energy-related academic and research institutions of the Rostock region work together with regional actors on the (further) economic development of the hydrogen region. This is reflected, for example, in the establishment of the Hydrogen Research Factory MV and the research and development activities of the Campfire Alliance. Go to the projects
The Highlights 2023
Innovative projects, interesting events, studies and workshops for the further development of the region – you can find all this under the link on the website of the Rostock Region Planning Association.
Hydrogen Initiative
The Rostock Hydrogen Initiative is a regional network whose goal is to establish the Rostock region as an innovative and competitive hydrogen region along the entire value chain. The stakeholders from business, politics, research and society develop innovative approaches and initiate and support projects for a holistic sustainable transformation with the goal of climate neutrality by 2035.